About Jr. Viking Football

The Waverly / Eagle Jr. Viking Football program originated in the fall of 2014 at the direction of the Waverly High School football program’s Head Coach. The program is designed to be a feeder program for kids that plan on participating in Dist. 145 Jr. High/HS football program. The intention of the program is to teach Jr. Viking the same fundamentals, philosophy, and sportsmanship that Waverly Vikings Football players are expected to know. The goal of the program is to lay the foundation for our youth to help ensure Waverly Football continues to be a championship caliber program both on and off the field.

Jr. Viking football teams will participate in the Great Plains Youth Football League.  GPYF is made up of teams from several towns in southeast Nebraska, including all Eastern Midland Conference schools.  The Jr Viking program begins with registration around April-May and team placements in June or July.  The actual football season will kick off with practice in early August and games starting two – three weeks after the first practice.  The season will consist of eight games and a tournament (or bowl game) and conclude in mid-October.

Mission Statement

Waverly/Eagle Junior Vikings Inc., established in 2015, is a youth football organization established to promote the development of youth through their association with local adult and Waverly HS leaders. Our By-laws are established to ensure that players play in an atmosphere that promotes safety, football knowledge, and a competitive balance between teams which will help ensure all participants feel important. Junior Vikings Football will give back to the community by developing leaders both on and off the football field.

Waverly/Eagle Jr. Viking Board Members

  • Matt Brewer

  • Reed Manstedt

  • KC Rine

  • Chad Bacon

  • Dan Good

  • George Schere

  • Landon Miller